
PCGamer.com の SIM コラムに掲載された Andy Mahood 氏((こんな記事を書いてる方: http://www.pcgamer.com/columns/simcolumn/column_2004-06-29.html))の記事。

公式アナウンスはまだされていないけど、Papyrus 設立者の一人、Dave Kaemmer 氏らが Vivendi から Papyrus のソースコード一式を買い戻すとのこと!

18~24ヶ月後には新しいタイトルが出てくるってホント~? スーパーやトイザラスじゃ買えやしないぜって締めてますね ;-)
でも、、、これが指すのが単に EA NASCAR 2005 だったりしますか? それとも、ココ(http://forum.rscnet.org/showpost.php?p=1882617&postcount=14)に書かれた Champ car(SE Games) か? ラリー行けるんならそっちも期待なんですけど ^^



BEFORE WE GET too weepy-eyed over Vivendi Universal Games’ decision to close down its Papyrus Racing Games subsidiary, we should all take comfort at how the development tem that earned PC Gamer’s Racing Game of the Year award for three years running responded to those pink slips. They grabbed the wheel and took over the driving chores themselves!

An official press release wasn’t ready at press time, but I can now report that Papyrus co-founder Dave Xaemmer teamed with Boston Red Sox owner John W. Henry in late May to buy back all of Papyrus’ critical source code(graphics, physics, multi-user, AI) from VU Games. This monumentally significant deal should ensure an uninterrupted flow of high-end driving sims from the Massachusetts-based developer for years to come — under whatever new moniker they choose to operate.
“The simulations we were making at Papyrus are being sold in the wrong market.” reflects Kaemmer, who believes marketing high-fidelity racing sims like NASCAR 2003 through conventional retail channels is tantamount to “selling downhill skis at Toys “R” Us.”

So what can we expect from the new venture?
“We have some pretty exciting plans in mind,” states former Papyrus producer Steve Myers. “[And] I hope to have a nice core group of guys from Papy joining me.” What makes this deal especially exciting is that the new developer no longer has to answer to corporate “suits,” or worse, dumb down its simulations to appeal to the fast-twitch gamepad crowd.
“Our service will eventually cover many different types of racing, starting with street cars or Formula Fords amd eventually moving up to the championship level, on road courses, ovals, and even off-road/rally driving.” says Kaemmer. “We’ll use a generic PC-based simulation engine, with modular components.”
As evidenced by their decade-and-a-half of critically acclaimed race-sim products, these guys are experts at what they do, and PC racing fans should be in for a major treat once the team gets up to speed.

Just don’t expect to see Kaemmer and company’s latest title at your local Wal-Mart or Toys “R” Us when it’s ready for launch in 18 to 24 months. This one won’t be for the kiddies.

BOSTON Red Sox を応援しようか。^^



で、VU のフォーラムにもポストしてた。



ちょっと落ち着いて冷静に考えようか。元 Papy スタッフの幾人かは EA と、他の幾人かは SE Games と、そしてベンチャーを起こす幾人かと、他にもあるだろうし、ってことだよね。